Total Implant Replacement options


All on 4 system


The All on 4 system system for total replacement of Upper and Lower teeth was developed by the Nobel Biocare Company. The All-On-Four concept refers to a Nobel Biocare treatment protocol that incorporates the use of a proprietary implant placement guide that is used by Dr Kuncsik to configure implant locations, depths and angulations that provide rock solid stability and anchoring. Please click on the link for detailed information,


Whereas the All on 4 system is a tried and tested system, surgeons recognize that if more implants can be placed they enhance the strength, stability and longevity of the system, particularly in the upper load bearing jaw.


Overdenture click on


An over-denture connects implants which have been fixed in the jaw with a click on denture. The part of the denture overlying the dental implants is modified to retain special clips called OT caps. These keep a denture securely in place while eating and speaking but still allow easy self-removal of the denture for cleaning purposes.


There are two phases to this process.


1.     Placing the 4 implants

2.     The prosthetic phase (making the implant denture).


During the 4 months healing, an existing or temporary denture may continue to be worn after a little modification. If the existing denture cannot be altered sufficiently, a temporary denture will be made.


After 4 months approximately when the implant has integrated with the jaw bone a precision denture is fabricated and is attached to the dental implant extensions.


Once the dental implants have bonded the second phase of the procedure begins. At this time, the surgeon attaches small posts/superstructures to the implants to which the special overdenture is fitted. This visit lasts for 5/7 working days.


If the gum has reduced as a result of the missing teeth this can be the best option as the denture will compensate aesthetically for the reduced gum.


Implants (6) and Screw retained non bonded Porcelain bridge


This is the most modern replacement system and is recommended over the historic system where the crown was cemented and bonded on to the abutment. The major advantage is that if a crown ever needs to be replaced the crown and abutment can be unscrewed from the implant, modified and replaced. Formerly and particularly with bridgework, the whole system had to be deconstructed. Not only is this new system more economically viable from the point of reconstruction but the time frame for the work is also significantly reduced.




Patients who have dental implants report the following benefits:

  • Better ability to chew
  • Improved appearance
  • Greater confidence
  • Maintain a healthier diet
  • Are happier and feel better about themselves.